Rep. Matt Rosendale, a Republican from Montana, released a statement Sunday evening signaling he would vote against the ‘Fiscal Responsibility Act,’ the debt ceiling deal released to the public earlier in the day by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.  Rosendale ...

HANOI — Authorities in Vietnam’s capital of Hanoi are turning off street lights to keep the national power system running amid record temperatures bringing a surge in demand in some parts of the Southeast Asian nation. As weather officials warn ...

MOSCOW — Ukraine launched one of its biggest drone attacks on Moscow on Tuesday, according to Russia, whose defense ministry said all were destroyed approaching the city. There were no reports of deaths. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said two people ...

GLOBAL investors are gaming out how a tentative deal to raise the United States debt ceiling could ripple through markets, as lawmakers strive to pass the agreement through Congress before a June 5 deadline. A deal to lift the $31.4-trillion ...

SEOUL — North Korea will launch its first military reconnaissance satellite in June for monitoring US activities, state media KCNA reported on Tuesday, drawing criticism over its potential use of banned missile technology. Ri Pyong Chol, vice-chairman of the Central ...

TOKYO — A Japanese court ruled on Tuesday that not allowing same-sex marriage was unconstitutional, a decision activists welcomed as a step towards marriage equality in the only Group of Seven (G7) nation with no legal protection for same-sex unions. ...

KAMPALA — Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni signed one of the world’s toughest anti-LGBTQ laws, including the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality,” drawing Western condemnation and risking sanctions from aid donors. Same-sex relations were already illegal in Uganda, as in more ...

DUBAI – OPEC will welcome Iran’s full return to the oil market when sanctions are lifted, the secretary general of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) told the Iranian oil ministry’s website SHANA on Monday. Iran is an OPEC member, although its oil exports are subject to US sanctions aimed at curbing Tehran’s nuclear program. Secretary General Haitham Al Ghais, who is visiting Tehran for the first ...

WASHINGTON – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday said his government would consider visa restrictions against Ugandan officials and others for the abuse of human rights following the implementation of one of the world’s toughest anti-gay laws. Mr. Blinken said he ...

TOKYO/SEOUL – Japan put its ballistic missile defenses on alert on Monday and vowed to shoot down any projectile that threatens its territory, after North Korea notified it of a planned satellite launch between May 31 and June 11. The nuclear-armed North says it has completed its first military spy satellite and leader Kim Jong Un has approved final ...